September 10, 2024
July 1, 2021

Process and Modify Revit BIM Models in Grasshopper

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use Speckle to extract BIM data from Revit and use it to drive our Grasshopper definitions.

Alan Rynne
Software Engineer

To follow along with this tutorial, you will need to register with Speckle and install the required connectors 🔌. It takes less than 3 minutes!

For a comprehensive overview of these connectors, check our docs 📚!

Getting Started

Before getting started, check that you have a supported version of Rhino (6 or 7) and Revit (2019-22) and the Speckle 2.0 connectors installed for both Grasshopper and Revit.

With the setup sorted, download the Revit and Grasshopper files for this tutorial here.

Sharing Project Data

In many cases, we'll want to share some basic project data between software, such as our Revit model's views, existing levels or loaded families. These types of elements are not really selectable in Revit, but we can use one of Speckle's filters to get them across.

  1. Create a new stream called Interop - Revit/GH v2 - Project Data.
  2. Select the Project Information filter
  3. Choose the Project Info, Levels and Families & Types options and press Set Filter.
    You should see the filter selection appear in the Stream card.
  4. Press Send.
Sharing project data

Sharing Revit Elements

Now that everyone can access the project data, let's create a new stream to send a few building elements over.

In this case, we'll be sending the Walls, Floors and Structural Framing, over to Grasshopper.

Sharing revit elements
  1. Create a new stream called Interop - Revit/GH v2 - Building.
  2. Select the Category filter
  3. Choose the Walls, Floors and Structural Framing categories and click on Set Filter.
    You should see the filter selection appear in the Stream card.
  4. Press Send.

Receiving Revit Elements in Grasshopper

Now we have both our Project Data and some Building Elements saved as streams in the Speckle server. Let's switch to Grasshopper and use those elements to do some simple Grasshopper tasks.

Displaying Existing Levels

Included in the Project Data we sent over we have the levels from Revit.Let's create some planes at each elevation, and use those to display the name of each floor.

Generating level planes

Create a Receive node and a panel with the Interop - Revit/GH v2 - Project Data stream url.

Connect the panel to the only input in the Receive node.

Press the Receive button inside the node and wait for the process to finish.

Base objects
You'll notice that the data you received is a Base object. In order to see what's inside that Speckle object, we need to expand it.

We'll use the 'Expand Speckle Object` node extensively in this guide.

Create an ExpandSpeckleObject component and plug the Base object into it's input.

The node outputs will display the different properties available on that object. There will be a @levels output.

Create another ExpandSpeckleObject to the @levels output.

The node will display the properties available for each level in the building, including its name and elevation.

Create a vector using the elevation value, and plug that into an XY Plane node.

Create a Text Tag and plug our newly created planes and our level names.

If everything went well, you should see on your screen the generated planes and text tags with the level names on each position.

Generating level planes

Displaying Revit Elements in Grasshopper

Let's also receive the Revit elements we sent to the Interop - Revit/GH - Building stream.

Receive revit elements

Create a Receive node and a panel with the Interop - Revit/GH v2 - Building stream url.

Connect the panel to the only input in the Receive node.

Press the Receive button inside the node and wait for the process to finish.

Create an ExpandSpeckleObject component and plug the Base object into its input.

You'll see that every category we selected on the Revit filter is organized in different outputs: Floors - Structural Framing - Walls

Visualizing Revit Elements

Every Revit element will always have a displayMesh property containing the geometric representation of that object.

In order to access it, we can use the Speckle Object Value by Key node to just fetch the mesh from the elements we received. The ouptut can then be previewed in the Rhino window.

Get display mesh of element

We can now proceed to extract some parameters from each object and use them to color our elements accordingly.

Color by Category

Coloring by category is the most straightforward. Using the data tree we generated with our elements:

Color elements by category
  1. Extract the displayMesh value from each element
  2. Generate one color for each of the branches in our data tree
  3. Connect the meshes and colors into a Custom Preview node.
Color elements by category result

Color by Level

Coloring by level requires also extracting the assigned level for each element. We can do it just like we did for the displayMesh

Color elements by level
  1. Use a Speckle Object Value by Key to get the displayMesh and level of each object.
  2. Use an ExpandSpeckleObject node to obtain the name and elevation of the floor assigned to each element.
  3. Using some grasshopper magic, create one color per elevation value (we are using a gradient for this).
  4. Connect the meshes and colors into a Custom Preview node.
Color elements by level

Color by Parameter Value

Coloring by parameter requires a little bit more Grasshopper knowledge. As you'd have to handle the parameter list on your own.

Color elements by parameter
  1. Use an Expand Speckle Object component to retrieve all the properties from the elements. We're interested in the displayMesh and the parameters list.
  2. Use another Expand Speckle Object component to retrieve the properties of each parameter.
  3. To simplify our work, create a set out of all the parameter names.
  4. Now you can use that set to select a specific parameter value (in our case the volume, index 9) and use those values to drive our gradient.

You should see the colored elements in the Rhino viewport (in the screenshot, green is smaller and red is bigger).

Color elements by parameter

Updating Revit Parameter Values from Grasshopper

So far, we're received Revit elements and played around with their values in Grasshopper. Next, let's send some extra information back to the original Revit model (labelling elements, modifying family types or any other parameter change).

You can send parameter updates to Revit using the ParameterUpdater schema. For that, you'll need to:
  1. Create a new Create Schema Object node, and select from the pop-up the ParameterUpdater option.
  2. Repeat the same step, but select the Paramter option from the pop-up.

The process is quite simple, you first need to create a parameter with a name and a value. Then, in the ParameterUpdater you specify the elementId of the element you want to modify, and the parameter object we just created.

In order to be able to update a parameter value, the parameter must exist in the element.

Sending Updates from Grasshopper to Revit

Let's use this to update the Mark parameter (which exists in all Revit elements) of all walls in our model.

We're just going to name each wall sequentially with the pattern WALL1, WALL2...WALLXX, so each wall will have a unique Mark value.

Creating parameter updates
  1. Connect the walls to an Expand Speckle Object node.
  2. Using the elementId create a list of numbers of the same length and concatenate it with the text WALL.
  3. Connect the list to the Parameter node, and connect a panel with the text Mark to the name
  4. Connect the elementId and the parameter list appropriately in the ParameterUpdater node.

We will also need a new stream and Send Data node to send this data to Revit. Create a new stream called Interop - Revit/GH v2 - ParamUpdate and send the ParameterUpdater elements.

Receiving the Updates in Revit

In Revit, add the stream we just created to your project and press Receive. Once the process has completed, you should see the Mark property has been filled with unique values for each wall. You can repeat this process as many times as is necessary.

Receiving parameter updates in GH

Known Issues

Under the beta release, there is limited support for Solid elements to be sent from Revit to Speckle. Any solid that is not supported will be converted to a Mesh instead.

Speckle 2.0 is currently under beta. You can find any known issues on our GitHub Repo Issues page.


We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful!

Speckle is an Open Source project and we really ❤️ feedback, so if you have any questions, comments, critiques, or praises please let us know on our community forum.

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Alan Rynne
Software Engineer

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